Thankfully, she is not alone in this adventure. She is flying with her other grandparents....and although we have all assured her that she will like the flight and that she is going to have a good time, she was still apprehensive about flying in the airplane. I have had her with me today because the Ross' were picking her up from here. We did a few errands and then met Andrea for lunch at Jason's Deli (Camryn's favorite place to eat.) When Andrea said she had to get back to work, Camryn grabbed her around the neck and hugged and hugged her. After lots of tight hugs and many kisses Andrea left. I was very proud of her...she did not cry. She told me she waited until she got in the car to fall apart. On the way back to my house Camryn was very quiet. Those of you who know her know this is not the normal Camryn. I asked her if she was alright and she said, "Yeah." I asked, "Are you worried about flying?" She said, " A little...what if I get sick up there? What will they do? You know I sometimes get sick when things go fast." I told her that Mamaw will probably have some medicine she can take to keep her from being sick. Then she said to me, "You know why I don't want to fly, Nanna? It is because I am afraid there will be a storm up there and the plane will break and fall." I told her. "They will not let the pilots fly in a storm. They will either wait or fly in another path to miss the storm, if there is one, so just put that worry right out of your mind." She said, "OK, I will try...but it usually takes me a long time to get my worries out of my head." She also said she was afraid that she would get separated from her grandparents and she would be left to fly by herself. I assured her that this would not happen. They would not leave her nor would she have to fly by herself. She said, "Yeah, cause I am to young to do that." Bless her little heart...she is such a worrier.
We came home and she decided she wanted to swing until her Mamaw and Papaw got here. So, I used that as an impromptu photo opportunity. Here are the results. You can tell from some of the shots that she had not been able to get "her worries out of her head." Even though she told me several times that she had. Ü
And then I get a bit of a smile. Being the little camera hog that she is, she decided to do some posing for me.
She suggested that I take some of her beside the tree...
....and in her swing acting like a monkey.
And then the wait was over.....she was off.....
God she is yours....please protect her and keep her safe until she returns to our waiting arms.
Ok...the Momma bear is TRYING to tame down in I cry. I'm praying with you...
Thanks so much! I tracked he flight until it landed last night or really this morning at 12:10 our time. God kept them all safe. Now He has her in His care while there.
I thought about her yesterday and will be praying all week. We KNOW God has her in his care!
Love ya!
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