I Got a Bee in My Bonnet

My mind is forever thinking of new projects that I want to do. Sometimes the ideas get to "buzzin" around so fast that I feel like I have bees swarming around in my head. This saying actually came from my grandmother. She used to say, when she had an idea about how to do something, "I got a bee in my bonnet and I couldn't rest until I got it out." So, when I think of something new I want to do, I can't rest until I get that bee out of my bonnet. Ü

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

School's about to start...

Gosh, it has been almost a month since my last post. Not much has been happening other than I am back to work and busy getting ready for another year of school. It is kind of a love/hate event. I really hate having to give up my relaxed summer schedule of doing what I want when I want to, for the days of having to be at school by about 7:15 AM and not getting to leave until 3:30 PM. I know, I know, you folks that have to do this all the time are saying, whaaa, whaaa, whaaa. But my summer time off is one of the perks of being in education. However, I do love it when the teachers come up and start decorating the halls and their classrooms. It just starts my blood to pumping with excitement for what the year will bring.

I must admit that as I get older the beginnings and endings of the school year seem to all run together. Just about the time you get a year started and running well, it is time to end it and begin to plan for the next one. It is a great profession, especially Christian Education, because you not only get to impart factual knowledge to the students but more importantly...you get the privilege of sharing Jesus with them. What an awesome opportunity we have on a daily basis to touch the future for the Lord through the seeds we sow in these kids lives. So, I said all that to say, I was not ready to get back in the swing of things but now that I am...I am very excited to see what the Lord is going to do in the lives of the students He has brought our way.


Alison said...

I've been thinking about you last week and this week...with school getting ready to start!
Love you!

Iris said...

back to school is always an exciting time - every year is always different - thanks for being a great boss and a wonderful friend. looking forward to another year with you!

Billie said...

And what a great Christian Educator you are! Wished I could bring my kiddos.

The Timberframer's Wife said...

I hope you have a great year--and may all your bats be spiderwebs! Love y'all!